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Just chi straightener pair of enchanting Taohua Yan general indifference, nor is ruthless, as if an icy snows of the millennium, no longer see into any worldly vanity, but also any person or thing to be able to toggle chi dusty heart locked up.Koji sigh sigh loudly, and the line of sight is not Go to War children who see that little guy face adoringly looked riding on a white horse chi shining light of emotion and excitement eyes unblinking, slightly toot from the mouth as if in silent called to "father".

chi hair straightener did not speak in silence, watching the Huangfu HEBE pair indifference was no longer reflect not into anything enchanting phoenix eye, one o'clock complex and inexplicable mood, how much is still some distressed.Look at the snow-white stallion chi seat under the horse, how it all seems a little familiar. Think carefully, remembered the date of chi with his own to the outskirts of horse racing, riding these Baiju chi riding is a maroon Maxima.

When he was approached on horseback, chi iron subconsciously a few steps back, rightly mixed with the crowd. Pass the moment, casual glance, we can see that a the Huangfu HEBE waist hanging yellow Sachet.That the Cross Stitch sexy poppies greeted her moment to remember the sachet is HUANGFU HEBE 19 birthday, she made herself a birthday gift to gave chi -


